
The Designers Chic

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cancelled future mini-travels

Sorry that I have been slacking off with my travel blog lately. I didn't have the inspiration to blog about travels anymore. If you've been reading my other blog, you probably have been aware of my current condition. I couldn't spend too much time on the computer anymore as I feel sick most of the time. Since we're expecting our first ever angel in our lives, I think we would not take a lot of vacations this year. As a matter of fact, I could forget about our plan to celebrate our 3rd anniversary in Florida in October. Yes, we made plans about going. I've done some research on which beach to visit. But by that time, hopefully I'd be around 7-8 months preggo already and I don't think it's wise to travel at that point. So that has been cancelled. However, come Memorial Weekend though, we plan to drive to Branson or Springfield, Missouri and probably do some maternity clothes shopping along with a brief mini-vacation. Another trip that has been cancelled as well was my supposedly visit to my sister in Illinois in June for my nephew's 5th birthday bash. Jeff couldn't go with me because of work so we originally intended to just have me catch a plane to Chicago and my sister will pick me up there, but in my condition, I don't want to fly alone. I need all the rest I could get for my baby. I'll probably just see them some other time.


  1. I totally understand how you're feeling. The baby's safety and care will always be your number one priority. If you guys to plan to travel, just remember to take it easy and always take care of yourself.

    (Had you been going to Fla., I would've LOVED to meet up with you.)

  2. Travels will all come to you, to Jeff and the baby Jenn. Just get more rest for you and the baby.

  3. it's okay, Jenn... baby comes first, right!

  4. why congratulations!!! sooo happy to hear that.. and yes dear i can relate with you about that because during my 1st trimester, i don't like to do the things i usually do...

    i'm super happy to hear that...

  5. Take care sa mini trip nimo Jenn... soon mulihok na na imo baby.. so precious =)

  6. That is sabotable already jenn, it will go away maybe in the later trimester of your pregnancy, wala nay nausea bug at na sd sa bugad hehehe. Im happy for you guysm, and wish you an easy and healthy pregnancy. How far along are you na?

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